BLS Wins a Planning Appeal for an Affordable Housing Led Residential Development at St Agnes

Business Location Services Ltd, on behalf of Westcountry Land (St Agnes) Ltd, has won a planning appeal against the refusal of an affordable housing led residential development by Cornwall Council on a site off Penwinnick Road, St Agnes.  BLS undertook the coordination, preparation and submission of the planning appeal to the Secretary of State and the planning appeal was allowed with planning permission being granted for 39 dwellings (22 affordable), access roads and landscaping.  

The planning application was refused by Cornwall Council's Central Sub Area Planning Committee despite an unequivocal recommendation for approval by the Council's planning officers and the proposal being fully policy compliant.  Given the demonstrable affordable housing need in St Agnes, and that Cornwall Council has declared the housing crisis in Cornwall requiring a step change in the delivery of affordable housing, it seems incredulous the Council refused planning permission for an affordable led housing scheme resulting in an unnecessary planning appeal.  

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